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不过我这人也算是恢复能力超强了,从前天开始发烧到今儿就好的七七八八了(请用广东话理解,就是比差不多还差一点的那种程度)。生病唯一的好处就是不用上班,可是因为我们病假和休假是算在一起的感觉还是好心疼啊...vacation days就这么平白无故的少了两天。哦,对了,今儿lulu还说了生病减肥,不过我对这一观点坚持怀疑的态度,这病一好不就都反弹回来了么。这两天除了睡觉发烧就是看电视剧了,呵呵,感觉好久没这么悠闲过了,上班就是痛苦啊~~~不过这两天完全没看CFA,呜呜,看来这周末又要苦读了。俺这日子真不是人过的啊,苦哈哈d赚着那么点薪水,还得学习,还得努力减肥(虽然目前为止ms都没运动过多少次吧),太怀念北京了。

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  • Mar 15 Thu 2007 21:02
  • Jou-Ou

"Jou-Ou" is a Japanese TV Drama I watch last weekend...it got me totally hooked to two things/person.

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游澜 發表在 痞客邦 留言(4) 人氣()

Y'all know I'm currently using a picture of A-Chu from "Du Chang Feng Yun" as my avatar on MSN.

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游澜 發表在 痞客邦 留言(0) 人氣()

Holla~ I've just signed up for MySpace last night and joined a couple of groups dedicated to Severus Snape on MySpace.  One of them asked for a self-introduction on the topic of why one would be attracted to Snape, my beloved snarky potions master with a large hooked nose, sallow skin and beady black eyes from the hit serie Harry Potters. (If you don't know who he is, please remove yourself from my blog~ :p) So I figured I should repost it here so you guys can get sorta like a sneak preview of what my essay might be like.

There is no denying that Severus doesn't fit any conventional standard of beauty...more like the lack thereof.  However, despite all that superfacial flaws, he managed to become one of the most intriguing character in all the books I've read (and trust me that's a WHOLE LOT of them...probably more than what an average person would read during his/her lifetime). In fact, he is so interesting (and this topic is so broad) that I'm considering writing a full length (meaning as long as it would take to vent my feelings) essay on the subject.  He is mysterious, strong, brave, and all in all, attract a particular group of females toward him like how flame attracts flies (yap, no redemption in that one).

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